My lord, your consulting firm Blackcoffer did an awesome job on this academic research project for me. You will be getting more academic research assignments from me and likely consulting research from my consulting firm. I cannot thank you enough.
Professor of Finance and Economics
University of Texas
Be sure this project was very positive for Blackcoffer and I (or maybe others in our university) really hope to contact you in the future for another project.
Professor of Finance and Accounting
London Business School
Thanks for the hard work you guys did for me. 98% accuracy is pretty good, especially now that the data has been validated by my colleague. That made me smile. Look forward to working with Blackcoffer team on many more exciting projects to come. Truly is exciting news!
Faculty of Accounting
University of Arkansas
Data looks outstanding. Thanks for making my day. You helped me to accelerate my research project especially when I was facing challenges to collect, process, mine and prepare an analytics ready data. It is a ton help for me and my colleague. Blackcoffer team is awesome.
Professor of Accounting
Cornell University
Thanks for your hard work, appreciated. It was a sincere pleasure to collaborate with you and your team, and as I expressed earlier I was incredibly surprised by how you mastered a difficult and not common topic. I will surely re-contact you if in need. Have a great continuation.
Business Owner
Geneva, Switzerland
Blackcoffer has provided excellent big data management expertise as a partner in groundbreaking research and development. I look forward to continuing our work with great results and innovation.
Political Leader & Business Owner
One of a leading think tank in the U.S.A.